Best Version Media is a company which has gained a wonderful reputation of creating a positive working environment for its staff. In fact you only need to look at the reviews which staff have left about their time working at Best Version Media to see just how positive they are. The company is a specialist in creating micro tag magazines for niche businesses, communities and subdivisions and they have managed to create an immensely positive culture within the workplace that ensures that staff are happy, something which has brought the very best out of the workforce that they have. What is it then that BVM do so well? We asked some ex-employees to find out more.


There is a real sense of being valued when you work for BVM and they do that by including the workforce as much as they possibly can. There is an environment in the company that if you have great idea, you are more than welcome to share it with the management team who will genuinely pay attention. The employees are always kept in the loop about what is going on at the company which in turn makes them feel as though they are really part of something.


If you need a day off or an afternoon off to go to the doctors it is never an issue in this company and they are more than happy to give you the time without complaint. The result of this is that you have employees who are more than willing to put the extra hours in when the business needs it, because they know that the business will help them when they need it. Far too many companies pull bait and switch tactics by asking you to stay late and then never return the favor, the attitude at BVM is completely the opposite.


The notion at BVM is work hard and play hard and the way in which they celebrate success is something which makes all of the employees very happy. There is a real feeling of fun around the place with constant games and challenges going on, huge celebrations for great results and lots of fun activities in and around the office. The reason why this doesn’t get out of control is because the company are very careful in terms of how they balance the fun times and the work times. This acts as a brilliant incentive for staff to work harder because they know that if they deliver the results that are being asked for, that the company will most certainly reward them.

In truth the attitude that has created this positive culture at Best Version Media is not one which is overly complicated and it seems that this company is instead throwing away the manual of ‘how a company should be run’ and instead decided to do things on their own terms, which the staff here are more than happy about.

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